DJ Nortiqa [Riddims Killa] Best Afrobeat Intros Vol. 4

DJ Nortiqa [Riddims Killa] Best Afrobeat Intros Vol. 4
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Artist Track
Dj Neptune Ft Joeboy & MR Eazi Nobody (Dj Nortiqqa Intro) ( 5.99MB 02:35
Dj Nortiqa LockDown InSane (Afrobeat) 43.62MB 45:49
GuiltyBeatz feat. Falz & Joey B IYABO (Dj Nortiqa Intro) 4.89MB 02:05
Joeboy Call (Dj Nortiqa Intro Clean) 6.76MB 02:54
Marlian Music Didolobo ft. Naira Marley, C Black & Mohbad (Dj Nortiqa Intro) 8.06MB 03:28
Pappy Kojo Thomas Pompoy3yaw (DJ Nortiqa Intro) 7.48MB 03:13

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