DMC Legends Volume 1 (2022)

DMC Legends Volume 1 (2022)
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Artist Track
Elvis Presley Burning Love (Edit) (Lucien Vrolijk 50th Anniversary Radio Clubmix) 125 8.14MB 03:33
Lamont Dozier Reflections Megamix (Part 1 & 2) (Rod Layman Mix) 81 50.62MB 22:06
Natalie Cole Pink Cadillac (Maik Schafer Pleasure And Pain Remix) 123 16.78MB 07:19
Olivia Newton John Physical (Rod Layman Legacy Remix) 127 14.90MB 06:30
Olivia Newton John This Is Olivia Newton John! (Part 1 & 2) (Lucien Vrolijk Mix) 129 45.33MB 19:48
Roy Orbison In Dreams (Edit) (Lucien Vrolijk Dance Remix) 125 7.01MB 03:03
Various Lamont Doziers Motown In The Mix (Part 1 & 2) (Showstoppers Mix) 89 38.46MB 16:47

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