Pro Latin Remix [14-Nov-2021]

Pro Latin Remix [14-Nov-2021]
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Artist Track
Alta Gama Rmx Rochy RD Ft Ozuna - Dj CriSS - Dembow Aca Start Break Outro Clean - 118BPM 6.44MB 02:48
Alta Gama Rmx Rochy RD Ft Ozuna - Dj CriSS - Dembow Aca Start Break Outro Dirty - 118BPM 6.44MB 02:48
Alta Gama Rmx Rochy RD Ft Ozuna - Dj CriSS - Dembow Intro Break Outro Clean - 118BPM 6.60MB 02:52
Alta Gama Rmx Rochy RD Ft Ozuna - Dj CriSS - Dembow Intro Break Outro Dirty - 118BPM 6.60MB 02:52
Batman En Can Am Arcangel - DJ Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 94 BPM 6.53MB 02:51
Capota El Fecho RD Ft El Malcriao Y Rabi Yamilet - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 6.79MB 02:58
Deconete Gran Memin, Rochy Rd, Leo Rd - DJ Wilmer Duran - Dembow Intro & Outro - 118BPM V1 6.65MB 02:54
En Cuanto Yomel Ft El Cienty Y El Fresh - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 105 BPM V1 6.46MB 02:49
Eso Tilin, Vaya Tilin Dj Krlitos - Marroneo Party Remix - 1V - 98BPM 6.55MB 02:51
Flow Violento Arcangel - DJ Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 92 BPM 6.47MB 02:49
Hoy Salimo Dixson Waz Ft Raphel M - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 115 BPM 6.61MB 02:53
Juego Del Calamar X Danza Kuduro Don Omar - Dj Yulios - Guaracha Mashup Halloween Starter & Outro - 130bpm 6.66MB 02:54
Juego Del Calamar X Danza Kuduro Don Omar - Dj Yulios - Guaracha Mashup Starter & Outro - 130bpm 6.66MB 02:54
La 69 Jenny69 - Dj Krlitos - Guaracha House Remix Original - 132bpm 6.60MB 02:52
La Boda La Perversa Ft Yomel El Meloso - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 108 BPM 6.70MB 02:55
Lo Siento Bb Bad Bunny Ft Julieta Venegas - Dj Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Clean Outro - 85 Bpm 6.57MB 02:52
Lo Siento Bb Bad Bunny Ft Julieta Venegas - Dj Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Dirty Outro - 85 Bpm 6.57MB 02:52
My Lova Farruko - DJ Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 82 BPM 6.59MB 02:52
Pa Que Respete Bulin 47 - Dj Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Starter Outro - 117 Bpm 6.50MB 02:50
Pa Que Respete Bulin 47 - Dj Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 117 Bpm 6.50MB 02:50
Quiero To Cobra - DJ Starz - Guaracha Original House Remix - 130BPM 6.63MB 02:53
Te Traigo El Mmm Papi Chulo Lorna - Dj Krlitos - Guaracha House Starter Remix Original - 130BPM 6.70MB 02:55
Tilin Crazy Design X Ceky Viciny - DJ Starz - Dembow Intro Outro - 108BPM 6.61MB 02:53

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