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Segue Megapack [February 2022]

Segue Megapack [February 2022]
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Artist Track
Acraze, Cherish vs DJ Tweak Do It To It vs Jumpin to It (DJ Tweak VIP Segue Intro Edit) Clean 10.69MB 04:39
Acraze, Cherish vs DJ Tweak Do It To It vs Jumpin to It (DJ Tweak VIP Segue Intro Edit) Clean CK Cut 8.39MB 03:39
Starjack / Adele vs RHCP Hello vs Otherside (Starjack Bigroom Segue)[Clean] 9.37MB 04:05
DJ Allan / Farruko x Kaleb Di Masi Pepas (Dj Allan Hace Calor Segue)[Clean] 7.59MB 03:18
Gayle & Cee-Lo Green Abcdefu To Fuck You (Joe Reece 64-128 Wordplay Segue) Dirty 14.73MB 06:25
Gayle & Cee-Lo Green Abcdefu To Fuck You (Joe Reece 64-128 Wordplay Segue) Dirty CK Cut 8.12MB 03:32
Gent & Jawns x Diplo Express Yourself (Trap to Twerk Segue / Trans 80-108) 8.91MB 03:53
Lizzie Curious x King Bee Wiggle By Dope Demand (Segue / Trans 128-116 / Clean / Short Edit) 6.79MB 02:57
Meduza x Merk & Kremont Piece Of Your Heart (Dj Allan Get Get Down Segue) 8.11MB 03:32
DJ Arman Aveiru / The Weeknd In Your Eyes vs Take My Breath (DJArmanAveiru WordPlay Segue Transition 100-121).mp3 11.11MB 04:50
DJ Sequel / The Whispers/Will Smith And The Beat Goes On/Miami (DJ Sequel Segue)[Clean] 13.21MB 05:46
The Goodfellas / YG & Jim Jones Scared Money Fly HIgh (The Goodfellas Wordplay Segue 84 90 Bpm)[Clean] 12.26MB 05:21
The Goodfellas / YG & Jim Jones Scared Money Fly HIgh (The Goodfellas Wordplay Segue 84 90 Bpm)[Dirty] 12.66MB 05:31

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