Transitions [23-Nov-2021]

Transitions [23-Nov-2021]
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Artist Track
Discotech x Jay-Z Show Me What You Vertigem (Fuseamania Bootleg - Trans 106-128 - Short Edit) 6.35MB 02:45
Pharrell Williams Able (Dj Dexterous 100-120 Transition) 6.94MB 03:01
Rich Homie Quan Replay (HMC Trans 70 to 84) 8.98MB 03:55
Tainy Bad Bunny Julieta Venegas Lo Siento BB DJ William Valdivia Electro to Reggaeton 2 Transition 126 to 92 BPM 6.50MB 02:50
Twisted Sisters We're Not Gonna Take It (ND ACDC 130-150BPM Transition)[Clean] 6.01MB 02:37

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