Cuba Remixes [16-Apr-2024]

Cuba Remixes [16-Apr-2024]
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Artist Track
- El Chulo & Zurdo Mc Maltrato La Joya - Camina Bien - (Acapella Starter) (Intro Outro Dirty)-104 Bpm(Cubaton)-Davidkrassdj 139 7.17MB 03:06
- El Chulo Poesia Urbana - Llegaste Tu - (Acapella Starter) (Intro Outro Clean)-102 Bpm(Cubaton)-Davidkrassdj 137 8.02MB 03:29
- Lyanno & Rauw Alejandro La Nena - (Acapella Starter) (Extended Outro Clean)-85 Bpm(Reggaeton)-Davidkrassdj 85 7.08MB 03:03
- Wampi Ft. Ft Wow Popy & Un Titico Jp El Chamaco - Reparto - (Acapella Starter)-(Extended Outro Clean)-105 Bpm(Cubaton)-Davidkrassdj 105 6.92MB 03:00
Bebeshito, Ldc La Cubana Que Falta En Miami (Djkhaly Edit) (Acapella Starter) (Intro Outro Dirty) 100 7.71MB 03:21
Feid & Yandel Raico Dj - No Digas Na (Chorus In) (Intro,Outro Dirty) 98 7.60MB 03:18
Mawell Se Ve Que No Me Han Visto Kimbando (Djkhaly Edit) (Acapella Starter) (Intro Outro Dirty) 105 6.90MB 03:00
Rihanna Raico Dj - Umbrella (Moombahton Remix) (Intro,Outro Clean) 105 6.40MB 02:46
Shakira Bizarrap La Fuerte Intro Outro Clean-128bpmpop-Davidkrassdj 128 6.51MB 02:50
Zurdo Mc, El Chulo & Maltrato La Joya Camina Bien (Djkhaly Edit) (Acapella In) (Intro Outro Dirty) 104 8.08MB 03:31

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