DaleMasBajo [27-May-2024]

DaleMasBajo [27-May-2024]
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Artist Track
Afterparty Pailita, Polima Westcoast, Young Cister - Jremix Dj - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 110bpm - Dmb 110 6A 6.84MB 02:58
Envigado Ryan Castro, Blessd, Zion - Dj Zen - Reggaeton - Intro Chorus & Outro - 89bpm - Dmb 89 5A 7.87MB 03:25
Iman (Two Of Us) Maria Becerra - Jremix Dj - Pop - Intro Outro - 106bpm - Dmb 106 3A 6.00MB 02:36
La Durango Peso Pluma, Junior H, Eslabon Armado - Jremix Dj - Regional Mexicano - Intro Outro - 128bpm - Dmb 128 3A 8.28MB 03:36
Mi Diabla Y Mi Diosa Ryan Castro, Natan & Shander - Jremix Dj - Reggaeton - Intro Chorus - Outro - 89bpm - Dmb 89 11A 6.29MB 02:44
No Puedo Controlarme Luian, Mambo Kingz, Yandel Ft Dei V, Darell - Dj Zen - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 92bpm - Dmb 92 9B 6.84MB 02:58

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