DMC Classics Vol. 008

DMC Classics Vol. 008
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Artist Track
Bizarre Inc Love In Motion (Josh Wink Remix) 128 14.36MB 06:16
Bob Sinclar Fe. Akon Til The Sun Rise Up (Bernd Loorbach Remix) 126 7.77MB 03:23
Bobby Dambrosia Fe. Michelle Weeks Moment Of My Life (Dub) (Lord G Remix) (Jesus Cubero) 126 18.12MB 07:54
Donna Summer Melody Of Love (Junior Vasquez Remix) 124 26.08MB 11:23
Electric Light Orchestra & Olivia Newton John Xanadu (Steve Anderson Remix) 127 23.95MB 10:27
Sabrina Johnson Peace (Dimitri Remix) 122 14.32MB 06:14

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