DMC Classics Vol. 011

DMC Classics Vol. 011
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Artist Track
Boyz Ii Men Thank You (Arjan Reitvink Remix) 113 13.08MB 05:42
Colonel Abrams Trapped (Bernd Loorbach Remix) 115 14.02MB 06:07
Diana Ross Take Me Higher (Junior Vasquez Arena Remix) 126 18.69MB 08:09
Sergio Mendez Mas Que Nada (Steve Anderson Smokey Bluenote Remix) 113 12.89MB 05:37
Shalamar Take That To The Bank (Rkl Remix) (Rod Layman Remix) 125 15.30MB 06:40
Vicious Delicious Hocus Pocus (Steve Murphy Remix) 80 12.89MB 05:37

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