Europa Remix [13-Feb-2024]

Europa Remix [13-Feb-2024]
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Artist Track
DJ Goozo, Massianello Uva (Guaracha Remix) 5.16MB 02:15
Frecuencia Latina Corazoncito - Intro Reloop Dj Tauro Meter 5.14MB 02:14
Ivy Queen Perreo Con Ivy Queen - Reggaeton - Carlos UG - Intro Break - 95Bpm 5.18MB 02:15
Julianno Sosa X King Savagge Cochinae - OPEN Halloween 2K22 - 098BPM - ER 5.07MB 02:41
Karol G OKI DOKI - MAICOL REMIX - Intro Breakdown Outro 106BPM - ER 5.13MB 02:14
Mark Henry Relacion - Carlos UG - Reggaeton - Intro Coro - 90Bpm 5.05MB 02:12
Yandel Te Suelto El Pelo - Dj Equalizer Mix -Simple In - 95 Bpm - Reggaeton 5.12MB 02:13

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