Extreme Remixes [14-AUG-2018]

Extreme Remixes [14-AUG-2018]
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Artist Track
Lil Dicky ft chris brown X Jason Derulo Freaky Friday X Want To Want Me (Mashup) 114bpm CLEAN 7.79MB 03:24
Pink Floyd Another Brick In The Wall (2018 Clubmix) 124bpm CLEAN 11.59MB 05:03
Pretty Ricky X Mims Grind With Me X Hot (Mashup Blend) 80bpm DIRTY 8.81MB 03:50
Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up (Partybreak Mixshow) 113bpm CLEAN 13.61MB 05:56
Shawn Mendes Nervous (Top40 Redrum) Hype 122bpm CLEAN 7.80MB 03:24
Sisqo Thong Song (Hype Latin Moombah) 126bpm CLEAN 7.92MB 03:27
Spice Girl Wanna Be (Moombahton V3) 110bpm CLEAN 6.66MB 02:54
Tag Team X Dallask Whoomp There Is (2018 Bootleg Smasher) 128bpm CLEAN 8.58MB 03:44

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