Intensa [02-Feb-2024]

Intensa [02-Feb-2024]
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Artist Track
C. Tangana, Gipsy Kings, Nicolas Reyes, Tonino Baliardo Ingobernable (Jose Giraldo Extended 105Bpm) 105 7.67MB 03:20
Camilo Ft. Evaluna Montaner Machu Picchu (Jose Giraldo Extended 84Bpm) 84 7.66MB 03:20
DJ Nelson, Jowell Ft. La Burbu & Maiky B Durisimo Remix (Intensa Hype 95Bpm) 95 7.63MB 03:19
J Balvin & Sech x Robin R La Luz Riddim (Intensa Mashup 115Bpm) 115 7.65MB 03:20
Manuel Turizo Ft. El Alfa y Will I Am Caliente (Jose Giraldo Extended 96Bpm) 96 7.65MB 03:20
Ricky West, Lammer, Whkrs Plzen (Shade K Bootleg 133Bpm) 89 7.59MB 03:18
Zara Larsson Lush Life (Shade K Remix 132bpm) 88 7.60MB 03:18

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