Pro Latin Remix [09-Apr-2024]

Pro Latin Remix [09-Apr-2024]
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Artist Track
Airon Ft El Mayor Clasico Y Rochy RD Burlao DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 120 5.94MB 02:34
Ankhal Ft KEVVO Aqui DJ Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 100 BPM 100 6.01MB 02:36
Arcangel Ft Sech Amantes Y Amigos DJ Many Mix - Reggaeton - Intro Outro - 89 BPM V2 89 6.03MB 02:36
Chiki El De La Vaina Ft El Cherry Scom Chapa DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 118 BPM 118 6.04MB 02:36
Daddy Yankee Brugal Mix Dj CriSS - Reggaeton Intro Break Outro - 100BPM 100 5.93MB 02:33
Don Omar Salvaje DJ Wilmer Duran - Reggaeton Intro Aca & Outro - 93BPM 5.99MB 02:35
Eklectico Ft Quimico Ultra Mega 115 DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 122 BPM V1 5.99MB 02:35
El Jincho Ft D Jam Saw Chavo Kiko Y Chilindrina DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Start Outro - 110 BPM 5.97MB 02:34
El Jincho Ft D Jam Saw Chavo Kiko Y Chilindrina DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 110 BPM 5.97MB 02:34
El Malcriao Ft Kiko El Crazy KuiKa DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 5.94MB 02:34
El Rey King Ft Haraca Y El Napo Los Metales DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Acap Starter Outro - 112 BPM 5.95MB 02:34
Haraca Kiko Ft Kiko El Crazy De Kiko A Kiko DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Starter Outro - 120 BPM 6.01MB 02:36
Haraca Kiko Ft Kiko El Crazy De Kiko A Kiko DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 6.01MB 02:36
Heidy Brown Ft Pakitin Hay Bobo DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Break Outro - 120 BPM 5.94MB 02:34
Jowel Y Randy Toxicos Dj CriSS - Reggaeton Intro Outro (Clean) - 98BPM 5.94MB 02:34
Justin Quiles Jeans DJ Wilmer Duran - Reggaeton Marroneo Intro Break & Outro - 96BPM 6.02MB 02:36
Kiko Rodriguez Ya Te Olvide DJ Many Mix - Bachata - Intro Break Outro BassKick - 138 BPM 6.01MB 03:14
Kiko Rodriguez Ya Te Olvide DJ Many Mix - Bachata - Intro Outro BassKick - 138 BPM 6.01MB 03:14
Noriel Ft Kiko El Crazy 0- Dj Criss Asicalao Dembow Intro Break Outro - 120bpm 5.94MB 02:34
Rochy RD Ft Onguitowa Yamilet DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Starter Outro - 120 BPM 5.94MB 02:34
Rochy RD Ft Onguitowa Yamilet DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 5.94MB 02:34
Rochy Rd X El Crok La Paca DJ Starz - Dembow Intro Aca Hype Outro - 120BPM 5.98MB 02:35
Tito Swing Bolon 2k20 DJ ShuloMixx Merengue Intro Outro 170 Bpm 5.96MB 02:34
Vallase de Ahi El Mayor Clasico - Dj Cri$$ - Dembow Aca Start Break Outro - 118BPM 5.91MB 02:33
Vallase de Ahi El Mayor Clasico - Dj Cri$$ - Dembow Intro Break Outro - 118BPM 5.91MB 02:33

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