Pro Latin Remix [24-Aug-2021]

Pro Latin Remix [24-Aug-2021]
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Artist Track
Clavala El Cherry Scom Ft El Domy - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 118 BPM 5.26MB 02:16
Ella Quiere Su Rumba Noriel - Dj Krlitos - Guaracha House Starter Remix - 130BPM 5.63MB 02:25
Jordan Ryan Castro - DJ Wilmer Duran - Reggaeton Aca Starter & Outro - 94BPM V1 5.72MB 02:28
La Mama De La Mama El Alfa - DJ Starz - Guaracha Remix DJ Tool - 130BPM 4.49MB 01:56
Moriremos Ceky Viciny - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Acap Starter Outro - 122 BPM 5.47MB 02:21
Moriremos Ceky Viciny - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Starter Outro - 122 BPM 5.69MB 02:27
Moriremos Ceky Viciny - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 122 BPM 5.69MB 02:27
Muneco Rochy RD Ft Jonatan Burlon - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Acap Starter Outro - 120 BPM 5.02MB 02:10
Muneco Rochy RD Ft Jonatan Burlon - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Acap Starter Outro - 120 BPM 5.25MB 02:16
Muneco Rochy RD Ft Jonatan Burlon - DJ Many Mix - Dembow - Intro Outro - 120 BPM 5.25MB 02:16
Pepas Farruko - DJ Starz - Guaracha Remix DJ Tool - 130BPM 4.36MB 01:52
Si Tu Novio No Te Bad Bunny - DJ Starz - Guaracha Remix DJ Tool - 130BPM 4.49MB 01:56
Te Gusta El Sexo Omega El Fuerte - DJ Starz - Guaracha Remix DJ Tool - 130BPM 4.49MB 01:56
Todo De Ti Raw Alejandro - DJ Starz - Guaracha Remix DJ Tool - 130BPM 4.49MB 01:56

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