The 80’s Remixes [21-Dec-2018]

The 80’s Remixes [21-Dec-2018]
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Artist Track
C.C. Catch Nothing But A Heartache 8.32MB 03:37
DJ Allan Daryl Hall & John Oates Private Eyes [DJ Allan 80s Pop Redrum] [Clean] 8.59MB 03:44
DJ Jeff Depeche Mode Whats Your Name [DJ Jeff 80's Rock Mixshow Re-Drum] [Clean] 6.74MB 02:55
DJ Jeff Dino I Like It [DJ Jeff 80's Mixshow Re-Drum] [Clean] 12.59MB 05:29
DJ Jeff Swing Out Sister Breakout [DJ Jeff 80's Pop Rock Re-Drum] [Clean] 9.52MB 04:08
DJ Jeff Yes Owner Of A Lonely Heart [DJ Jeff 80's RockMixshow Re-Drum] [Clean] 10.73MB 04:40
Sandra Midnight Man 8.00MB 03:28

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