Trap & Twerk [10-Aug-2023]

Trap & Twerk [10-Aug-2023]
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Artist Track
Dj Leonier Rockstar X Valentino Khan ( Hard Trap Edit ) 3.54MB 02:34
Dj Leonier Tokyo X Episode X Mad Love ( Mashup Twerk Rework ) 3.57MB 02:35
Dj Leonier Waiting X Party Squad ( EDM Trap Horn ) 3.22MB 02:20
Mami Dijo Eladio Carrion - DJ Many Mix - Latin Trap - Intro Outro - 158 BPM 5.28MB 02:18
No Hay Amor Arcangel - DJ Many Mix - Latin Trap - Intro Clean Outro - 80 BPM 8.66MB 03:45
No Hay Amor Arcangel - DJ Many Mix - Latin Trap - Intro Dirty Outro - 80 BPM 8.66MB 03:45
Tiguere Dowba Montana - DJChrisEditz - Spanish Trap - Intro Break - 86BPM 3.37MB 02:56

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